- Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
- Psychiatry
- Foot Health
Psychoanalytical Psychotherapy
Marie Conyers Bsc, BPC, (LCP), MBACP, (sen, Accred)
Phone: 07769 651719>
Email: kellywilmottpa@outlook.com>

Marie Conyers is affiliated to the following organisations: Member of the British Psychoanalytic Council; Associate Member of the London Centre for Psychotherapy; Senior Registered Practitioner/Accredited Counsellor with the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy; Member of the United Kingdom Register of Counsellors; Member of the British Association for Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Supervision. Marie Conyers is bound by the professional code of ethics of all the above organisations.
Life may bring many changes, such as death and bereavement, illness, divorce, children leaving home, marital problems and retirement, to name but a few. These are all transitions we may expect to encounter at some time or another . Some people do not like to ask for help. They believe it is a sign of failure or human weakness. They feel they should be able to manage with the support of family or friends, or even on their own. However supportive others may be, it is helpful and important to talk to someone who understands such changes and life transitions, and who has the skills and expertise to help with the difficulties such changes may bring.
Specialist help in the form of therapy or counselling can prevent problems later on in life. Facing up to divorce, illness, retirement or bereavement can be a frightening and bewildering experience - something out of the ordinary. Identifying and exploring with a psychotherapist/counsellor your own personal response to such stresses enables you to prepare and make use of the qualities, time or inner resources you have at your disposal.
Whoever you are, whatever your age, whatever the problem you are facing, whether you are depressed, confused, feeling bad about yourself, worried, wanting to make some changes in your life or coping with unwanted change, it can help to talk things over in confidence with an understanding outsider. This kind of talking, about what is on your mind, can help you discover more about yourself, your strengths, weaknesses, values and priorities, not only to find your own solutions but also to carry them out, and to take some action for yourself.
Confidential psychoanalytic psychotherapy and counselling respects the needs of the individual and will not seek to impose opinions on you or to make decisions for you. The aim is to help you to find your own answers and to become more in charge of your life rather than less so, to tolerate what cannot be changed and to change what can; to make conscious what may be unconscious. Psychotherapy/counselling requires a commitment of time and effort to allow a safe containing environment from which to explore the impact of the past on the present, to move towards fuller understanding in the future.
A confidential psychotherapy/counselling service is offered for individuals, couples or families from a professionally qualified Counsellor and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist. Talking to a psychotherapist/counsellor who understands, and who has the skills to help, may be the first step in facing and dealing with life's problems and changes. To ask for help is a sign of strength and courage.
Alexandra Keane MBACP (Accred.), MBAPPS
Throughout life, we may experience many different events such as divorce, bereavement, work, relationship or family issues. Within these times we tend to 'cope' either by ourselves, or by feeling family and friends provide us with enough support. However, events, differences and upset may cause a sense of sadness and loneliness, sometimes without knowing why.
To cope with this not knowing, we may place ourselves at risk or use coping mechanisms (such as food, alcohol, over-exercising, control) to avoid feelings that we do not understand, or perhaps feel confused or fearful of.
Within the safe, confidential relationship of counselling, we can look at these different feelings and explore together where they may come from. Over time, being open and honest can allow an understanding and acceptance of one’s self, alongside the discovery of one’s own uniqueness.
About me
Over the last 20 years, I have worked in a variety of mental health settings including forensic, addictions and general psychiatry (specialising in eating disorders at the Priory). This has involved working within Private, NHS, GP and charitable settings. I have had a Private Practice for over 10 years working with couples and individuals.
My experience allows me to supervise Students and Counsellors on an individual and group basis.
I am on the registered lists of AXA/PPP, AVIVA, BUPA and Cigna. I also do work for Employee Assistance Programmes for specific insurance companies.
Along with being an Accredited member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (MBACP Accred) and a member of their Private Practice Sector (MBACPPP), I am a member of the British Association for Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Supervision (MBAPPS) and have been a member of their Conference Committee. I am also a member of B-eat (Beating Eating Disorders).
I have taught at Clinical Diploma Level within a BACP Accredited organization and am the Independent Advisor to Felsted School. I am also the External Assessor to an Accredited training organization.
I follow the BACP Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy.
My working days are Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
For an appointment, please call or e-mail.
Mobile: 07707 602167
e-mail: alex.keane@btinternet.com
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Jenny Rooks

About Jenny...
Jenny has worked as a counsellor in the NHS and private practice settings for many years. During this time she has worked across a number of specialties and age groups, including with children, and in culturally diverse settings. Using a wide range of different therapy approaches Jenny can provide bespoke interventions and programmes for the treatment of stress, anxiety, depression and relationship problems.
Accredited by the British Association of Behaviour and Cognitive Therapists (BABCP), she is a fully qualified therapist, regulated and bound by codes of professional conduct in relation to confidentiality and ethical practice. In addition, previously working as a Counselling Psychologist and currently registered as a Mental Health Nurse, means she has expertise and a wide knowledge of professional practice. Alongside her therapy role she also provides supervision and training for CBT Therapists in the role of a University Lecturer.
Qualifications include...
- MSc Counselling Psychology
- BSC Psychology (Hons)
- Post Graduate Diploma in CBT
- Registered Nurse (Mental Health)
- Community Mental Health Nurse
- Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education
- Registered Practitioner Lecturer
- Diploma in Management Studies
About Cognitive Behaviour Therapy...
CBT focuses on how thoughts influence emotions, behaviour and physical symptoms in different life situations. It is aimed at addressing issues causing emotional distress to bring about positive change in life. A full assessment is carried out initially to determine the best treatment approach to improve and develop coping skills and strategies.
Session information...
Sessions will take place at Crushes Manor Clinic. The clinic provides a tranquil and private space which is conducive to reflection. Sessions usually last for one hour and begin with an assessment, which may take a few sessions to complete before treatment begins. The number and frequency of sessions are decided upon together and tend to depend on the complexity of problems presented and how quickly the treatment plan advances. As a rough guide between 6 and 15 sessions can be required, however, some people gain significant benefit from a single session.
I understand that life can be really busy and day-to-day commitments can be very time consuming. In the interest of helping you make time to focus on yourself as soon as possible, I also offer weekend and evening sessions to work around your lifestyle. If preferred, I can also offer Skype, online, or telephone therapy. Please contact me if you would like to arrange pre-payment, request the relevant forms, and we can then arrange a suitable appointment, if you would prefer this method.
- Contact: 07956087683
- Email: rooksjj@gmail.com
- Visit: www.cbtcounsellingessex.co.uk
Dr Arghya Sarkhel, Consultant Psychiatrist MB BS FRCPsych (UK), DPM (Dublin), MSc in Neuroscience (London)

Dr Arghya Sarkhel is a consultant in Adult Psychiatry, Old Age Psychiatry and Liaison Psychiatry. He is a Fellow of The Royal College of Psychiatrists and is approved under Section 12(2) of the Mental Health Act 1983 by The Secretary of State.
He practices within the NHS and in the private sector and is accredited by the common private health insurance companies BUPA, BUPA International, AXA PPP, AVIVA, Pru Health and WPA.
Arghya's principal philosophy is to provide comprehensive assessment and share effective, safe and evidence-based management plans with his patients. He takes a bio-psycho-social approach in his assessment and his treatment plans incorporate Pharmacological and/or Psychological Interventions. When appropriate, he offers support to the carers and involves family in formulating care plans.
He is trained in Western Medical Acupuncture by the British Medical Acupuncture Society. He uses acupuncture as an adjunctive treatment for various mental health disorders and chronic pain.
Arghya has extensive experience in MedicoLegal work, including preparing psychiatric reports, being an expert witness, capacity assessments, including testamentary capacity, assessment for fitness to plea and stand trial, personal injury claims etc.
Please call 07753430829 or email info@livingmind.co.uk for an appointment. Please visit www.livingmind.co.uk for more information.
- Contact: 07753 430829
- Email: info@livingmind.co.uk
- Visit: www.livingmind.co.uk
Foot Health Professional:
Amanda Capps
Member of the British Association of Foot health Professionals
Contact: 07921 396889
Magdalena Mokrzycka MCFHP MAFHP
Registered member of British Association of Foot Health Professionals
Treatments and advice are available for:
- Foot Care
- General Foot Checks
- Corns
- Hard Skin Removal
- Ingrown and Involuting nails
- Cracked Heels,
- Nail Fungal & Athletes Foot
- Verruca Treatment
- Nail reconstruction
- Onyfix composite nail braces
Contact 07760926546
Email: footcarebrentwood@gmail.com