Pilates can potentially benefit everyone.
Pilates is a complete approach to developing body awareness in day-to-day life. It is a safe, non-impact exercise class, working the muscles of the abdomen, back and buttocks and helps to strengthen the core postural muscles.
Whatever you level of fitness, you can use Pilates as a complete regime to prevent injury and condition your body. Pilates can also be used for the assessment and treatment of many conditions such as musculoskeletal, neuro and women's health.
Small classes allow the physiotherapist to set you a tailor-made programme to suit your needs and allows for alterations to be made to any of the exercises as necessary (unlike larger commercial classes).
The benefits of having a physiotherapist teach classes is that if there is a problem, the physiotherapist can amend the exercise and advise on appropriate action and possible treatment. This exercise regime is therefore ideal if you have had previous injury or problems. Pilates can be used in conjunction with mainstream physiotherapy techniques.

10 Reasons why you should take up Pilates
1. To improve posture
A lot of time spent at a computer or sitting watching the television can mean you lose the spine's natural S shape, which in turn can give rise to neck and back problems and pain. Pilates can help to can re-align and improve your spinal posture and avoid this condition recurring.
2. To gain back pain relief
A lot of back pain can occur with poor posture or mistreatment of your spine. Improving posture and realigning the spine can relieve back pain and often eliminate it completely.
3. To help you sleep
Pilates can aid natural sleep by relieving pain and tension and stretching muscles.
4. To increase stamina and strength
Pilates helps increase stamina and strength without adding muscle bulk. This is because it allows you to develop core muscles; these are the muscles in your back, your abdomen and your pelvic region.
5. To prevent osteoporosis
By helping you to achieve and maintain good posture and balance, Pilates can help avoid the onset of osteoporosis, where bones become thin and weak and susceptible to fracture.
6. To aid relaxation
Pilates is very gentle. It is a good way to relieve tension and can help you to relax. It is a way to combat the strains put upon us in modern living.
7. To prevent incontinence
Pilates can prevent incontinence and avoid the onset of stress incontinence, where these muscles have become weak.8. To improve co-ordination and balance
Pilates can help to improve your co-ordination and balance by realigning your spine and strengthening the "core" muscles.
9. To aid recovery post-injury and prevent injury recurring
Pilates is recognised as a beneficial way of exercising for anyone who is recovering after certain types of injury, including whiplash, backache and sports injury.
10. It's painless!
A gentle type of exercise, Pilates is non-aerobic and can help to strengthen and tone your muscles. It will help you gain good posture without stressing your heart or your joints.

Pilates Fees
Individual 1-to-1 sessions
This will include an introductory session for us to discuss your needs and note any injuries or pain that you may have and for you to find out how Pilates can help you. Each session will then be tailored to your specific needs.
£47 per session
Group classes (2-7 people)
Classes are booked in 6 week blocks. During each class, we will ensure that you are getting the best from the exercises, so that at the end of each class, you should feel stretched, relaxed and more aware of your posture. Progress will be at the speed you feel comfortable with.
6 week block
£81 payable in advance
In order to recognise the benefits from Pilates, it is recommended you attend a weekly class.